People can say what ever
I'm not gonna let them get to me
because I'm better than that
i can handle it
Everyday that i walk by i always think
about the way i am
and why all these people keep coming by
giving me hell
I don't see what the big deal is, on what i wear
or why it even matters
for all i know they shouldn't care
chores: care,care,care
People can say what ever
I'm not gonna let them get to me
because I'm better than that
i can handle it
I don't see what the big deal, is on who I'm friends with
it shouldn't matter to you,
or anyone else
Because I'm not that kind of chick
to be all fake and plastic
i just love who i am and
that's all I care
People need to back off
and move along instead of staring
and gossiping
They can say what ever
for all i care, they are insecure
I'm just trying, to live my life
About Me

- pua
- i was born in tacoma, washington and was raised in honolulu, hawaii and moved to california in 2007. i love to talk and enjoy writing a lot. since 8th grade ive been in honors english and im going into AP classes this year. i am going to be a junior in high school and enjoy every second of my life!!! i enjoy having friends and im pretty chill with everyone...yet people still dont like me and feel intimedated. im tired of trying, and i just want to have fun and enjoy who i am. so peace :)