About Me

- pua
- i was born in tacoma, washington and was raised in honolulu, hawaii and moved to california in 2007. i love to talk and enjoy writing a lot. since 8th grade ive been in honors english and im going into AP classes this year. i am going to be a junior in high school and enjoy every second of my life!!! i enjoy having friends and im pretty chill with everyone...yet people still dont like me and feel intimedated. im tired of trying, and i just want to have fun and enjoy who i am. so peace :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
To You Haters Out There
I find today to be a really nice day. Its sunny, its bright and its lovely. I can't wait to go home though and sleep. Today is going to be a very chill day with a good 3 day weekend for my mother. Awesome. I actually find blogging fun, because I get to express how I feel and such. I also find it quite entertaining and relaxing. Well i officially finished my screen-play for a friend and I hope he will enjoy it too. A lot of things have happened through my life. Many things that i should had not gone through. But its OK, because it is only making me a better and stronger person. People say a lot about me...and yes it hurts. But what can I do about it? Yes I have been in love with someone before, and it really hurt when they did many horrible things. I know a lot of friends are mad at me and its all good, because this isn't your life, its my life. I appreciate all of your advice and everything, but at the end of the day. You need to understand that this is my decision and what I do, shouldn't matter to you. I love who I am and I accepted the fact that i have a complex that tends to intimidate people or make people jealous and insecure over me. I just want to be friends with everyone. I hate cliques, I hate fighting, jealousy, insecurity. I just want all of you to get along. Its very frustrating when I'm trying to have a good friendship with someone and you people keep doing this to me. You guys are giving me hell and I'm trying to think of the best solution as possible to make everyone happy!!! I DON'T LIKE ANYONE!!! AND I AM NEVER GONNA GO OUT WITH ANYONE UNTIL AFTER HIGH SCHOOL!!! And i am going to continue to reject you people because I have other things like my education and career that i need to handle before anything else. So people, PLEASE LEAVE ME AND WHO I TALK TO ALONE!!!! Ive had it. And I'm sorry to those readers out there that don't know me. This is too much unnecessary drama that I'm dealing with and i just want a normal life. I never asked for any of this. Its like sometimes i wish i was ugly and nasty looking, because its hard to have a descent friendship with people especially with females because they get all jealous and bitchy about shit i don't even know half of the time and its humiliating. I cant help it that I'm not 100% girlie or fake or plastic and that I'm a genuine nice person!!! I can't help it that I'm a girlified tom boy and have more male friends more so than females. I have no control over that. So again, I'm sorry that I'm coming off a little harsh but its the truth and I needed to get this off my chest. If you read this and you're someone I know, please don't take it personal and at least try to see where I'm coming from. I just want to get my point across. :)
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ReplyDeleteby Taitasha
^you're very welcome! and thank you for visiting my blog :)